
Ever feel bad for people suffering from an illness? Ever worry about the pain they will have to face until they die. Ever think you don’t have enough say when it comes to your own body. Well Euthanasia is the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition. This processes not only helps you to live a painless death, but makes you feel your rights and wishes are being respected. Euthanasia should be legal because every individual person has the right to life and death. The right to make their own choice and be in control of their own life. Life is to each individual and each person makes what they wish of the life that is given to them. I will make three arguments in which I support the right to die.

Euthanasia has become a major issue in the medical world. There has been many cases where an individual is suffering with a painful and deadly disease. In this case the person knows they will eventually die. The fact now is if they would like to continue their life suffering in pain until whenever their death might come, or end their life quick and painless. This becomes an issue when dealing with the patients family. Of course no person wants to see their loved ones die. Although it could be what is the best for them.Most patients said “they were no longer enjoying life and loosing their dignity”(Yardley). Most patients also don't want to have to upset their family by them having to see them in a terrible condition. These patients feel like they are a burden on their friends and family. Suffering patients are not only thinking about their feelings but also about their families.

As I read in New York times article many elderly people do not want to be alone. There are many elderly people that do not want to live and continue their life alone. In these cases discussed in the article there was many cases in which if a partner is dying, the other partner wishes to go with their loved one, even if not sick. They don't want to be without that person and they rather go together. There was an elderly coupled that died together in each others arms in 2010(Jolly). So in some situations it may be to hard to see a loved on go so you want to go with them. Although this kind of situation is seen way more with elderly people, because often their partner is the only family or person in their life.  

All of these patients feel the right to die is protected by the same constitutional safeguards that guarantee such rights as marriage, procreation, and the refusal or termination of life-saving medical treatment. The people that make the choice to die are making it themselves therefore they are dying with dignity. And there is no better way to go then that. In a health situation the right should only be given to the one that is going through the health condition. Their body, their right, their choice.


My second point about Euthanasia is the money factor. Now a days there are many medications available to people suffering. When a patient is faced with a deadly disease they could be put on a medication to help them stay alive for as long as possible. However these medications helps but they also can be hard to take and you will still be suffering. The longer a patient stays in the hospital and on medications for a long period of time the more expensive it is. The people paying these bills are most likely the patients family. Although they aren't worried about the money at that moment it becomes a huge issue as time progresses(Bigs).

When dealing with family and money that can be a whole other issue within itself. Bills and hospitals fees and all things needed to keep someone alive that is going to die eventually anyway. Is it worth all that money. of course its about the person not the money but why pay to only see the person hurt. In reality they are not getting better. The end result of their life is still going to be death, whether it is in a month or a few years. If Euthanasia was legal there would be a smaller conflict with money and trying to face the issue of paying huge bills. 

The third point facing Euthanasia legalization is we as individuals control what we do to the outside physical parts of our body. Suicide is not illegal and people do that all of the time. If people are voluntary killing themselves, why should people suffering of a disease have to live in pain(Jolly). We also control what we put into our body like food, drinks and different substances. 

People control how they live, their life style, how they maintain themselves. They should not have to stay in a terrible state in which they are not maintaining the life they wish. If we can control how our body looks from the outside and what we put into it, why shouldn't we be able to say if we want to continue our life with a non healthy body. No one should have to continue a life they are not happy in. Why should the law and government have a say on your body. It’s not their body and other people don’t know what your going through. They should not have authority to make such a major and life changing choice. A choice like this is huge and should only be left up to the person that is suffering.  In most cases a person will be better off to end their life quickly, rather then struggling for a long time.


No one knows how an individual is feeling and their pain. Only that individual person should be allowed to determine how they wish to continue their life. Each person can handle and tolerate a different and certain amounts of pain and suffering. Some people may feel they can no longer take what they are going through, and they do not wish to do it anymore. People faced in these situations are often very possible to be in the situation and condition for the remainder of their life. Which means they could be in the hospital or on serious medications for a very long time. That is not an ideal life style for many, and when faced with a choice, people should have the right to say how they want to finish their life.

Works Cited
Biggs, Hazel. Euthanasia Death with Dignity and the Law. United States, Canada: Hart Publishing, 2001. Print.
Jolly, David. "Inside a Story About Helping the Elderly to Die ." International Herald Tribune [New York] 03 04 2012, n. pag. Print.

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